Local analysis
Stresses in a mooring attachment
FEM / local analysis provides an accurate view of the stresses around structural connection, hubs, hinges etc. Proper design of local details is crucial to prevent failures and fatigue of the construction.
In the aquaculture industy following analyses are extensive:
o Brackets: interaction point between floating collars, railing, attachment of net pens, sinker tube and mooring
o Mooring attachments on barges and fishfarms
Aquastructures has an extensive experience with FEM analysis of both plastic and steel components.
We can assist you on local analyses
Ole Kristian Flønes
Head of Engineering and Product certification department
Phone: +47 41 21 18 82 okf@aquastructures.no
Senior ingeniør
Mooring analysis /
Structural analysis
Phone: +47 90 83 93 27
Do not hesitate to contact us:
Aquastructures AS
Email: mail@aquastructures.no
Phone: +47 73 83 17 47
Adr: Kjøpmannsgata 21, 7013 Trondheim