The Site Survey forms the basis for design and engineering of aquaculture facilities. Results from the survey is documented in a Site Report that includes physical environmental conditions, bottom type, and bottom topography (bathymetry).
This is the most important report to ensure correct dimensioning of the facility.
Physical environmental conditions include determination of dimensioning wave height, wind and current. It is required high competence in oceanography, meteorology, and numerical calculations to document these conditions. Aquastructures holds more than 15 years of experience in preparing Site Reports according to NS 9415.
Wave conditions:
We determine the wave height by numerical calculations by applying SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore). The calculations include wave generation from wind, propagation of ocean swell, reflection, diffraction and so on.
Wind conditions:
Wind conditions are determined according to NS-EN 1991-1-4. Winds from eight directions are documented from a base wind speed.
Current conditions:
Determination of current is based on measurements in accordance with NS 9425-1 and-2. We apply advanced data processing software and assessments of the measurements before the final determination of extreme values of 10- and 50- year return period. The assessment includes the influence of wind, air pressure and salinity at the site.
In the determination of icing conditions, we apply meteorological data from the site. Conditions such as air temperature, wind, wave, and sea temperature determine the probability of icing.