Component proof of design


Component proof of design on fish farm in steel

Component proofs of design are issued for floating collars and barges manufactured before October 1. 2004 without product certificates. The intent with the proof of design is to include floating collars and barges which follow the first technical standards requirement (2003) and prior to the requirement for product certificates.

Analysis and inspection shall demonstrate that the functional requirements of NS 9415 are satisfied within relevant environmental conditions. Component proof of design can also be issued in relation to the same requirements when the dimensional useful life has expired.

We can assist you on component proof of design:



Head of Site Certification

Phone: +47 47 92 66 35

Do not hesitate to contact us:

Aquastructures AS
Phone: +47 73 83 17 47
Adr: Kjøpmannsgata 21, 7013 Trondheim